Me and my health.
By Evening Gazette. March 2, 2004.

Zoe Lucker was born in Keighley near Huddersfield and made her TV debut in 1996 with Brazen Hussies. She also appeared in Coronation Street, Killer Net, Holby City, Trial and Retribution IV and Zoe Lucker's Little Black Dress Workout video. She lives in north London and can currently be seen in the new series of Footballers' Wives on ITV1.

How much sleep do you need?
I need about six hours. I'd love to be one of these people who can sleep for ten hours. I wake up about four in the morning, lie awake for two hours, nod off, then fall into a really deep sleep and wake up feeling really grumpy."

How do you feel first thing in the morning?
"I'm quiet in the mornings. I don't like any confusion. If I'm being picked up or have to leave the house at nine, the chances are I'll get up at half past seven. Not because I spend all that time putting make-up on. I need that time to gather my thoughts because I hate rushing and I hate being late."

What exercise do you take?
"I never used to take any exercise apart from walking and I'm quite energetic anyway. But last year I spent three months working on the Little Black Dress Workout video. I knew that it was time to start doing something to tone up and get fitter, really.
It's been fantastic for me. I've really toned up. I've lost an inch off my waist. I don't like to weigh myself because I think it can get a bit obsessive. So I always go by the fact that I look better. I can definitely see that I look better and that my clothes feel nice."

Are you careful about what you eat?
"I've always been careful about what I eat. I love things like tuna steaks, fish and chicken. Not to say that I don't occasionally have a curry or pizza. I try to avoid eating bread because it makes me very lethargic and bloated."

Are you or have you ever been overweight?
"I don't think so. I weighed about a stone and a half more six years ago. I wouldn't consider that overweight but I was heavier than I like to be."

Do you take vitamin and mineral pills?
"I should do but I always forget to take them. I buy them whenever I go to the chemist with great intentions - then I carry them round in my bag and they keep rattling so I take them out. I would take iron tablets. Multivits with iron and also cod liver oil because I've got osteoarthritis in my big toe. I like fish, salmon, mackerel and things that are rich in Omega 3."

Do you drink or smoke too much?
"I've cut down on my smoking and drinking since I've been working out because I felt I didn't need to smoke and drink as much and also I didn't want to."

Do you catch a cold most winters?
"No. I can't remember the last time I had a cold."

What foods can't you bear to eat?
"Margarine and tripe. I think they're disgusting."

Do you think you suffer from stress?
"I do get quite stressed out. I'm slightly obsessive about timekeeping. If it was down to me I would never be late. I find it hugely stressful if I'm stuck in traffic and I've got to be somewhere on time. I generally book a car half an hour earlier than I should do and then get there early. I can get very stressed about untidiness. I sound like a complete control freak, but if there's no clutter around me then I don't feel cluttered in my head."

Have ever been in hospital?
"I can't remember the last thing I was in hospital for."

Does your job affect your health?
"No, I don't think so. My mental state of mind is fantastic. I love my job."

How often do you consult your doctor?
"Oh dear. I haven't been to the doctor for three years. Generally I should consult far more than I do."

Do you look after your skin?
"I eat a lot of olive oil. I'm drinking far more water than ever, which I find great for your skin, and also eating healthily, fresh fruit, vegetables. I love skincare. I use a lot of hugely expensive products which I take great pleasure in buying."

Are you happy with your body?
"I am now. Much happier. I feel much more confident. It's that age-old thing - if you put effort into something you feel more proud of it and my attitude towards my body has changed a huge amount."

Do you take more care of yourself as the years go by?
"Yes I do. Absolutely."