Episode guide for HolbyBlue's first season. The show will return in 2008!

Episode 1
Handsome new recruit, DS Luke French is astounded by DI John Keenan's unorthodox methods. Meanwhile, new rookie, Lucy, is overwhelmed to make her first arrest on a dangerous paedophile.
Crushed to learn of his estranged wife Kate's new boyfriend, John exacts his revenge by sleeping with Rachel from CPS.

Episode 2
Just as Kate and John look like reconciling, Rachel delights in sticking a bitchy spanner in the works by revealing she's sleeping with John.
Elsewhere, Kate's offered a job on reception. And John comes face to face with his nemesis, dangerous drugs baron, Stenga.

Episode 3
John discovers there's a mole at large after his undercover operation to nail Stenga goes pear shaped. Little does he know the man responsible's Harry.
Lucy helps Mac with a tense and agitated man. But her efforts have devastating consequences when she's stabbed.
Elsewhere, Kelly finds herself in a quandary after finding a large wad of cash. Plagued by money problems, she pockets £200 but eventually gives it back.
Luke and his wife, Mandy, are devastated when their second attempt at IVF fails. When his terminally ill mother calls for help, his loyalties are split and priorities called into question.

Episode 4
The team continue to investigate the case against Stenga, unaware that the informant is Harry.
Harry's reluctant to agree to Stenga's demands. But the risk to his retirement plan if he doesn't co-operate is too great.
Set on stopping Louise testifying against him, Stenga demands Harry finds out the location of her safe house. A desperate Harry knows he has no choice but to divulge this information.
Elsewhere, John questions whose side Billy is on.

Episode 5
John confides in Harry about his suspicion that Billy's the mole.
Meanwhile, Harry realises he has the perfect opportunity to use Billy as a scapegoat and Billy is locked up in a cell.
After a string of raids on suspected paedophiles, Jenny's husband, Alex, is hauled in for questioning. The evidence against him starts stacking up and Alex's reluctance to talk does not help his case.
Luke discovers the real reason for Alex's silence - video footage which he's filmed as evidence to prove his wife's having an affair.
Alex realises his marriage is doomed after discovering Jenny never had any intention of breaking off the relationship.

Episode 6
Lucy and Robert unearth a witness which clears Billy's name, but he quits anyway.
Neil's offered a promotion in CID. But his sense of achievement is short-lived after discovering the appointment was a political choice.
Elsewhere, Robert learns that Lucy's new man's an infamous drug dealer and forces him to dump her.
Luke makes amends with his wife and agrees to place his mum in a home.
Robert gets passionate with a woman suspected of a racist attack. Luke and John rush to his rescue, realising he's in grave danger. But are they too late?

Episode 7
The net's closing in on Harry as John discovers he's the mole.
Irritated by the growing closeness between John and Kate, Rachel delights in mocking Kate. Falling right into Rachel's trap, Kate finally loses her temper and hits her.
When Kate quits, John fights her corner asking Jenny to give her a chance.
Billy makes a welcome return. Meanwhile, Robert recovers in hospital.
Elsewhere, Luke's devastated to discover his mum is dead following a fatal fall.

Episode 8
In the dramatic season finale, John confronts Harry. Eager to save his own skin, Harry proposes giving John and Luke watertight evidence on Stenga in return for his own freedom.
Smelling a rat, Stenga soon realises that Harry has double-crossed him and exacts his revenge by holding Kate and the kids hostage.
John and Luke come to Kate's aid. After a frightening showdown, John and Luke are shot in the process but survive. Stenga, however, is killed.
John chooses Kate over Rachel but struggles to put his family before his job. Meanwhile, recovering in hospital, Luke's elated to discover his wife's pregnant.
At Harry's retirement party, Kelly and Neil nearly kiss. Elsewhere, the gang take great pleasure in mocking Robert. Meanwhile, Harry is arrested and locked up.