HolbyBlue is a drama set in the fictional city of Holby. It's centered around Holby South police station and the lives and loves of its dedicated team of officers.

The challenges facing the police officers and CID unit of Holby South are very different to the traditional 'bobby on the beat' - hard drugs, even harder gang members, and the constant threat of terrorism all combine to prove that modern-day policing isn't just about robberies and ASBO's. Despite being weighed down by never ending bureaucracy the officers of Holby South aspire to be the best, putting their personal opinions and passions to one side in order to make Holby a safer place to live.

Straight talking DI John Keenan lives for his job and will stop at nothing to secure a conviction. John somehow manages to be a great dad to his two young children, but a lousy husband to Kate (Zoe Lucker). They are both playing the field following their recent split but it's clear that neither is really ready to move on. When Kate applies for a job at the station, John's recent fling with colleague Rachel Barker CPS is set to make all their lives even more complicated.

Inspector Jenny Black seems for all the world to have managed the impossible and "has it all" - a successful job and happy marriage and family. But the reality is that, in an effort to be the perfect wife, mother and career woman, Jenny has long neglected her own needs, and her frustration cannot be contained forever...

Holby South's veteran DCI Harry Hutchinson is due for retirement but, keen to secure his legacy, he is pushing hard for his team to secure a conviction against the city's crime boss Neculai Stenga at any cost - just so long as he doesn't have to get his own hands dirty.

HolbyBlue is made by Red Planet Pictures, in association with Kudos, the production team behind Life on Mars and Hustle.